After some detours into the territory of a french translation and a long and unsuccessful search for a publisher in german or french, The Many-Eyed Detective will be self-published in 2025. It was a long journey and the task revealed itself to be larger than anticipated. The good news is that the whole story is being put into the form of a book, which you will be able to buy and read by April 2025. There’s one single prototype of the book that already exists, as you can see in the picture below:

As of now, There remains a long list of big and small tasks left to tackle. For instance I’m in the process of adjusting the space separating the two lines of panels on the page. In the preview I printed it’s a little too small. I’m doing this while also adjusting the margins in between the panels themselves. The original drawings on paper where done with the idea of an almost infinite single row of panels that was seamlessly scrolled across the screen. Instead of the usual rhythm of a book, the one shaped by the turning of pages, I came up with large fullscreen-panels that I call “stoppers”. These stoppers allowed me to create another kind of rhythm in the absence of the paper-page. The Web-Version of my comic is also built on the luxury of having infinite space on the digital canvas. In the printed version, the panels, including the stoppers, have to fit into the fixed measurement of consequential pages. Which is a nice thing, but also a lot of work. I’m certain that it’s worth the effort as in the process of fine-tuning the format of a double-page spread, I’m creating a version of the story that looks and reads best and I’m very happy to get it into the hands of everyone still interested by spring 2025.

The printed books will be available in german only.
The books will be available for sale online and also at the Fumetto Festival, which takes places from 5. – 13. April 2025 in Lucerne, Switzerland. There will also be a Satellite-Exhibition about the Many-Eyed Detective during the Fumetto Comic Festival in Lucerne. More on that as the festival approaches.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the Web-Version of the Many-Eyed Detective will also be publicly released as of April 2025, but I can’t promise it. I’m making the book my priority number one, and many of the small adjustments I’m making in the Layout of the book, are not yet carried over into the Screen-version of the comic. I’ve been keeping both versions up to date during the past years, but I’ll have to focus on one for the time being. I’ll post another update as the release of the book is drawing closer.

Thanks for your patience and see you soon!

9. December 2024